Structured Implementation Process
+ Personalized Guidance
= SMOOTH Transition and Faster Realization of Value!
CorVant uses a highly structured implementation process to ensure that your transition to the PierVantage platform is smooth. Our implementation experts guide you through the process of setting up your operational and accounting codes and structures and help convert your existing critical data to the new platform.
How is the Implementation Managed?
The Implementation manager assigned to you will create and walk you through a customized Implementation Road Map and Plan. A color-coded EXCEL sheet is used to collect all the data needed to setup, configure and populate your new platform. Each step of the way, our implementation team provides web based education sessions to explain how the requested data or parameter will be utilized by PierVantage. During the Go-Live process a member of the Implementation team will be on-site for three days to educate key members of your team, help you work through your day to day activities, and answer business process or functionality questions.
What does Setting Up PierVantage Include?
To ensure complete readiness, our Implementation Team will work with you to setup and configure your PierVantage platform for first use.
Initial Setup includes activities such as:
- Creating your PierVantage environment
- Setting up your Chart of Accounts
- Setting up your Operational Codes/Phases
- Setting hundreds of parameters that configure PierVantage for your specific business needs
- Setting up company logos, address and configuring your artifacts such as invoices, customer statements, purchase orders and checks
- Setting up bank accounts and credit card accounts
- and more…
Initial Data Load includes:
- Employee Setup
- Customer Information
- Boat Information
- Parts and Inventory
- Vendor Information
- GL Account Balances
- and more…
Do we have to Go-Live at Month End or Year End?
No, in fact most of our implementations happen mid-month. Our Implementation process is geared to allow you to go-live at any time. As a part of our process, we convert inflight artifacts such as vendor invoices that have not yet been paid or open vendor credits, customer invoices that have not been paid or open customer credits, on hand quantities for inventory, and checks that have not cleared, allowing you to reconcile your bank balances, process customer payments, or pay invoices and still ensuring the integrity of your operational and financial reporting.
What Level of Support is Available during the Implementation Process?
Our implementation team is always available during the Implementation process to ensure a smooth and successful transition to PierVantage.
- During the Implementation process, implementation specialists are available via web based collaboration tools to visually show you how you will perform your daily activities and leverage all the time-saving capabilities of PierVantage.
- At Go-Live, a member of the Implementation team will be on-site at your facility, giving you a dedicated resource to help you through your first few days using PierVantage.
- After Go-Live, our knowledgeable and responsive support team is available to answer any questions you may have as you quickly come up to speed.